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About the Foundation

What We Do

Tolani Ajayi founded Tolani's Pediatric Brachial Plexus Foundation in 2014, in an effort to provide support for families that have been impacted by pediatric brachial plexus injuries. During her delivery, Tolani sustained a brachial plexus injury to her left arm in which the  C5, C6, C7, and part of the T1 nerves were extensively damaged. Tolani credits her ability to be incredibly successful with her injury to her family being financially able to have three subsequent procedures and having an immense amount of support, something she realized not everyone has.


A Written Word by Tolani Ajayi

“Having sustained a brachial plexus injury at birth, I understand the necessity for support as these injuries have not only physical implications but also mental implications. My initial prognosis was not hopeful. My parents were told that my injury was severe and was expected to worsen overtime. As a child, I did not understand what was going on because my arm was always the same to me. Children are extremely resilient, but imagine the feelings caregivers must have when they wonder how their child’s quality of life will be as they grow older. I want to do everything in my power to alleviate the stress related to financial costs, highlight the importance of support in all realms, and inform others about brachial plexus injuries with hopes of reducing their prevalence.”

Join the Cause

Donate to help fund brachial plexus injury initiatives and cover the cost of procedures!


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